Mountgrove Associates was formed in June 2011 to offer a range of services which build on the experience which I have gained from over 20 years working in central and local government.
The 'experience' page provides a brief overview of some of the specific activities with which I have been involved and how this practical knowledge of the policy and instutional context within which local services and local organisations operate can be applied.
This page sets out some of the specific types of services which can be offered to clients in different sectors with a brief overview of some possibilities (but should certainly not be treated as exhaustive!):
For local authorities, third sector and other local organisations:
- Professional expertise and consultancy under specific contract. If more resources or a wider range of expertise are needed, we can also call on other professionals to organise small teams for specific projects or reviews.
- Interim management particularly for shorter term, project based pieces of work
For consultancies:
- I am already signed up as an Associate with a number of firms and welcome opportunities to develop associate or similar agreemenrs where I may be able to supplement or complement the portfolio of skills and expertise on offer.
- Particularly interested in developing specific products or services which might then be marketed to clients.
For private sector firms:
Advisory services to private sector organisations seeking to understand local government or navigate the local political or policy environment. This could include:
- advice on who to talk to, how to talk to them and how to pitch publications or descriptions of services to be of interest to local service providers; or
- helping to translate some of the policy being developed and its appplication into terms that make sense to business.
For think tanks and representative bodies:
- undertaking or contributing to studies and development work particularly where new thinking is needed. I have a long track record of working on policy development and analysis and a strong interest in applying this experience to current issues.